Monday, June 29, 2015

Getting better 1% at a time

Each day I will make a conscious effort to get better 1% at a time in four different areas of my life.

1.  Physically I will take the stairs each day or walk the beach.  Maybe I'll play basketball or just simply take a 5-10 minute walk.  

2.  Emotionally I will spend time with friends or family.  People who I love and love me.

3.  Spiritually I will try and meditate each morning to start my day off right.

4.  Mentally I will try and read everyday.  I SHOULD start writing more frequently as well.  

If I do those things, then I should have a great day.  I can't predict the future but the best thing I can do to have a successful tomorrow is to have a great today.

I will also not make To-Do lists anymore.  Instead I might make or simply just think about an imaginary "Done List" where I think and reflect about all the things I did.

Like yesterday when I tried to hit all 4 aspects I woke up in the morning and tried to meditate (I failed but I tried), I hung out with my cousin and his family, played basketball with them, walked the beach, read a book about Elon Musk, I took a nap, watched a documentary about the Ice Man killer, and sent out a few emails about jobs.  I also spoke to a friend in Vietnam that made me feel good.  

I had a great day and you should too! 

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