Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the note, I was just going to send you an update today.
It was great talking with you last week. I appreciate your interest and enthusiasm in Company X, it has not gone unnoticed. Unfortunately, your experience does not align directly with our requirements for this role. We’re needing a candidate with a few more years of experience in high-volume global logistics.
Should something more fitting open up, I’ll reach out. I wish you the best in your search, and thank you again for taking the time to follow up with me.
Poof - there go my dreams. Disrespected and trampled into oblivion with no regard for human kindness. I let this soak in for a good 3 hours or so and allowed myself to hate my life for just a short bit of time. Then I hit em with this email
Hi CJ,
Thank you for the follow up. I had to let this sink in a bit before I replied because I'm pretty disappointed. However, I understand and appreciate the transparency.
If anything comes up, please let me know because Company X is still my #1 option and I feel like there are supply chain problems through our conversations I can solve.
If I can come and consultant or work on projects for you guys as a contractor - please let me know because I know I could hit the ground running and immediately have an impact on the bottom line.
Good luck with everything. Hope to hear from you soon and to see your drones flying all over the world.
Now a lot of back drop to this story. I haven't found a job in 5 months (hate my life theme). This was a great company, they already rejected me, but I have one last shot to reach and work for them as a contractor because I'd rather work for them than anyone else. See my enthusiasm he pointed out? It's real. It could be unprofessional, I could be selling myself short, or I just could be really desperate. But it's worth a shot, right? It is to me because there is nothing left to lose. Other than my dignity, but I'll get that back.