Sunday, May 17, 2015

What do you need to learn in order to be successful?

As my boy James was mention the other day....  

The only thing you should learn is to learn thyself.  Who are you really?  

It makes me think about how I want to help teach my nieces and the nephew.  If I had a day with them, how could I change their lives?  How could I be so life altering that it ripples into their teenage and early adulthood or better yet, until they are in diapers again at 130 years old?

Learn how to identify what makes you happy and how that shapes your character.

Oh yeah and be more aware.  If someone cuts you in line, maybe they are not rude.  Maybe they just weren't taught some manners.  If you're a girl and someone doesn't open the door for you, maybe they weren't lucky enough to be shown how women ought to be treated.  Lady like.


  1. Was mentioning***
    What happened to the rest of your post? Why you end so abruptly and with incomplete sentence?

    Love your humour. Got a girlfriend?


  2. Sometimes your thoughts just end and there are no more words that need to be spoken, written, or brightened.

    I am officially single, but I got this hottie in my life. Meh.
