Today begins a series of Viet Kieu (VK) interviews I may or may not continue in the future. The VK in question will remained anonymous for now but are basically just meaningful conversations I have with great friends. VKs who I think are cool.
I asked VK #1 about his advice for my current situation and what can be done between San Francisco and Vietnam. The next step in the journey that is life right before the dawn of the triple trifecta aka 30.
"A high ride floats all boats."
"It's all about positioning."
These two quotes go together because if you position yourself in the proper place in the sea, you will rise with the tide. It doesn't matter if you're the biggest or most experienced boat, the ride rises everything. Position yourself in the trajectory of booming places like Saigon and San Francisco. The United States and Vietnam.
"What can THEY do for ME?"
This is debatable. But at the end of the day, it's really about what people can do for you.
"Be known for something and step out."
You need to be known for something that is interesting thus everlasting. I can't just be Tony a trucker from the US. I'm Tony the tactician living and working in Turkey, who also doubles as a magician in Mongolia. I want to know more about that guy and if I was ever looking for magic kits for kids 10 and under, I'd think of him. If I had to assassinate someone in Turkey, I'd think oh man there was that tactician in Turkey! He might know some people...
I'm Anthony the logistics and operations guy in Vietnam and San Francisco. That sounds repulsive repeating to myself but that's what I am. I'm owning it.
Then just step out. "Own it."
P.S. I've been writing this at a Starbucks inside of a grocery store sitting next to a lady who's been talking on the phone really loudly and awkwardly while watching her iPad at a very uncomfortable sound level. After about 30 minutes, I realized she has been talking and laughing to herself this whole time. Ho-ly Mo-ly.
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