I feel like my mind, body, and soul have been enlightened in these past few days. I want to capture that moment.
Everything seems to be going in the right direction. I feel as though I understand the process and am able to step back and enjoy the journey.
I'm aware.
For now, because I could easily slip right back into negativity at any time as I am known to do on occasion. I like to dabble in a little bit of everything because I have a philosophy on life that it
"it takes some good to make it hurt" (taken directly from Jazon Mraz's Life is Wonderful song)
Which means that you need to feel pain to know what feeling good is like. You need to be depressed to know what it's like to be happy. You NEED to be down, so that you can appreciate life that when you are UP. How can you appreciate something if you've never experienced both sides of it?
I have felt what it is like to not have feelings in your fingers, your hands, throat, and even my other bodily functions. I just felt that and now, thankfully/gratefully/appreciatively know what it is like to feel my fingers and toes. To have full function of my own body and clear vision (debatable).
Everything just feels good. Hope my writing gets better from this point on.
I wonder how fast I type. I am thinking 137+ using backspace. Probably 150 without, whatever. The main thing is that I just love to type because it's natural for me since games don't play themselves.
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